Get Your Life
A seven-session group-based HIV prevention facilitation guide designed for Black and Latino young men who have sex (YMSM) with men ages 14-19 years old.
Divest from Police and Invest In Sex Ed Toolkit
Schools overinvest in policing and underinvest in students' wellbeing. Our new campaign toolkit with Power U will help you learn how to organize for your school to divest from policing and invest in reproductive justice!
Engaging Young Parents: A Toolkit for Youth-Serving Organizations and Agencies
Engaging Young Parents: A Toolkit for Youth-Serving Organizations and Agencies is designed to
help youth-serving institutions authentically engage young parents as partners and leaders in their
organization’s efforts to serve young families. The toolkit provides best practices, t
Young Parents’ Advocacy Toolkit
This guide is designed for you, the young parent who wants to organize in your community for change. It contains tips and tools gathered from other young parents across the U.S. who are working on issues that matter to them.