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Advocates for Youth provides you with the resources on this site for your personal education and entertainment, but nothing on this site constitutes a recommendation for medical care, nor does Advocates make a warranty of any kind in terms of their appropriateness for individual online users. The mission of Advocates for Youth is to create programs and promote policies that help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health. Advocates for Youth provides information, training, and advocacy to youth-serving organizations, policy makers, and the media in the U.S. & internationally.


The entire Advocates for Youth Web site is protected by copyright under U.S. law. Certain articles or materials within the site are also separately copyrighted by Advocates as indicated. All rights reserved. If you find the materials useful, you may download, print out, or send a copy to another so long as each copy indicates the appropriate copyright notice—© 2001, Advocates for Youth—and is only for personal use. But it is absolutely prohibited to reprint or electronically reproduce any text, document, graphic, or audio or visual material in quantity or for commercial use. For special copyright permissions, or to purchase Advocates’ publications and products, please write to:

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1325 G St NW # 980

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  2. Users may not submit or transmit any message that is libelous or defamatory, or violates any other person’s copyright, privacy or publicity rights, trademark, trade secrets, or rights in other confidential information. The User indemnifies Advocates for any and all damages suffered by third parties as a result of the User’s violation of this paragraph.
  3. Users may not submit or transmit any message, data, image, or program with the intent to threaten the safety of others or to cause others to feel that they are being threatened.
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  6. Users may not post or transmit any file which contains “viruses,” “worms,” “Trojan horse” or any other contaminating or destructive features.
  7. It is Advocates’ general policy to protect the privacy of the persons transmitting any messages to Advocates. However, Advocates reserves the right to reproduce and distribute part of or all of a message without compensation to the User so long as any identifying information is deleted.

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