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I am 67, and very grateful that my reproductive years coincided with availability of birth control and legal abortion. My husband and I tried to have a baby in our early 30's. Instead we had two miscarriages. I was fortunate that I could have D&C's in a hospital to safely clean out the remains of the miscarriages.


Sex wasn’t talked about in our house. I was raised going to church every Sunday, saying grace before dinner, and praying before bed. The only times sex was brought up was when my parents were warning me not to do it. But mostly, it was just ignored.


I was a young, nineteen year old girl from a privileged family brought up in a suburb of New York. My parents took me to Santa Domingo to have my illegal abortion.


I'm 67 years and never regretted having my four abortions. They all had a reason, that being I didn't want my partner's to be a father to my child. All abortions were from 3 different partners.


Constrained by a legal system and a bad lawyer, I got pregnant in 2002 accidentally with my current husband, prior to being officially divorced from my last one. In Texas, that meant that my ex could fight for custody of my yet to be born 5 week old fetus.


Anyone who knows me will not be too surprised to learn that I had an abortion -- I worked at the National Abortion Rights Action League for nine years and almost all of that time was as the Executive Director. I self-induced an abortion when I was in college.

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