I had a 2-day second trimester abortion at 18 weeks on May 3, 2016. Nothing was wrong with the baby.
I was 23 when I had my abortion. My Fiance and I had been together for 6 years and had a beautiful 3 year old son. We had moved in together for the second time, after I spent 2 years at home with my parents because of financial reasons. We were living in our new place for about a year when I found out I was pregnant.
I found out I was pregnant in May 2013. I was ecstatic, so was my partner. We had been trying for a baby for about a year.
Siempre he estado a favor del derecho a decidir, pero nunca me imaginé que me iba a enfrentar a la elección que tuve que tomar. El embarazo que di por finalizado fue muy querido y planificado.