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I was 21 at the time, I had been dating Ian for over a year and a half, when I became pregnant. I found out I was pregnant mothers day weekend of 2011.


Two years ago i was 14 years old and in an abusive relationship with my boyfriend. After a year together he raped me and that was how i lost my virginity.


I was 18 years old the first time I found out I was pregnant. I was newly in college and in a relationship with an emotionally abusive guy.


When I was in my early 20s, I was in a relationship which had gone sour and was becoming emotionally abusive. It started out wonderfully, but mean people can't hide their true selves for long.


I was 19 when Emma was born. I had no doubt at that point that abortion was out of the question. Even when it was suggested by many people very close to me.


I was 18 years old and in a mentally abusive relationship with a boy I had been on and off with for 2 years. 4 days after graduating from high school we had unprotected sex and 5 weeks later that little stick showed up with those two little lines.

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