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Student Organizing

What is Student Organizing?

The Student Organizing Team is a cohort of dynamic students from across the country who lead campaigns to make material improvements in student lives! Members of our Student Organizing Team run strategic issue-based campaigns for racial justice, reproductive justice, LGBTQ rights, workers’ rights, survivors’ rights, and more.


What do Student Organizers do?

In this program, students have organized successfully for:

  • Free condom and menstrual hygiene dispensers on campus
  • Gender neutral housing and restrooms at their schools
  • Defeat of Campus Carry, Anti-Trans Bathroom, Abortion Parental Consent bills
  • Restorative Justice policies in K-12 schools across their state
  • Dismissal of violent campus police officers following police brutality
  • Honest, inclusive sex education in their school

Advocates for Youth provides all student organizers with organizing and media training, ongoing technical support, and a stipend for each semester ($600/semester, total $1,200/year). Preference will be given to applicants who are associated with a student group and local community organization. Attending our upcoming Youth Activist Institute (September 5th-9thth), is mandatory.

Specific responsibilities include:

  • With the support of Advocates for Youth staff, build a specific, goal-oriented, time-bound campaign for change at your school and/or community
  • Participating in monthly one-on-one check-ins with Advocates for Youth staff as well as team conference calls
  • Submit monthly reports to Advocates’ staff
  • Participating in Advocates for Youth’s national campaigns

Who can apply to be a Student Organizer?

Applicants must:

  • Be based in the U.S, at a high school, trade school, college or university, and between the ages of 14-24
  • Be available to attend and fully participate in the Youth Activist Institute in Washington D.C. from September 5th-9thth
  • Commit to organizing an issue-based campaign for change at your school and/or in your community

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