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School Health Equity Newsletter August-September 2016


Features: PrEP Education for Youth-Serving Primary Care Providers Toolkit

The Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) has recently received funding in order to provide a comprehensive toolkit for primary care providers (PCPs) who care for young adults under twenty five living with HIV. While many excellent resources for PrEP exist, this toolkit is the first of its kind to be intended for PCPs providing PrEP for youth. The toolkit contains various sections which focus on delivering PrEP care, learning about specific aspects of PrEP delivery and strategies for minimizing the risk of youth at high risk of contracting HIV. Provided in its entirety or by section, several aspects of the toolkit include clinical tools, dealing with HIV stigma, youth and HIV laws and policies, as well as additional resources. Access and download the toolkit here.



American Teens Sexual and Reproductive Health Factsheet
Developed by the Guttmacher Institute, this factsheet provides a basic overview of the state of teen sexual and reproductive health in America. Information about the rate of teen sexual activity is reported, as well as the prevalence of risk behaviors around sexual activity and the use of contraceptives. Furthermore the factsheet identifies several statistics and patterns in the availability of contraceptive access and the rate of STDs among American teens. Informational graphs are provided throughout the factsheet which highlight the rates of unintended pregnancy by year and by state. The factsheet also provides information on fatherhood, childbearing and includes additional references. Read the factsheet here.

Youth Engagement Webpage
The National Network of State Adolescent Health Coordinators is proud to provide a toolkit aimed at engaging youth in programs and policies that concern their health. By including youth in opportunities to contribute to their communities they are given the support and confidence they need to become healthy adults. The Youth Engagement Webpage provides guidance and tools for how to engage youth in state-based programs and policy development. Learn more about youth engagement and access the tools here.

Web Based Toolkit: Youth Centered Care
The National Adolescent and Youth Health Information Center (NAHIC) provides a free online toolkit intended to support the implementation and on-going practice of youth centered care. Also known as adolescent-friendly health services, this approach to high quality care meets the needs of young people and is accessible, acceptable, appropriate, effective, and equitable. Using these core values, NAHIC’s toolkit features strategies for improving adolescent health literacy; gaining community support of youth centered programs, appropriate packaging of clinical services and adolescent participation. View and utilize the toolkit here.


Changes in Adolescent Receipt of Sex Education 2006-2013
The Guttmacher Institute has recently cited this newly published article by Dr. Laura Lindberg which examines the extent to which adolescents have adequately received sexual health education in order to better monitor changing access to sexual health information. Utilizing data from the National Survey of Family Growth from 2006-2013 this study points out a number of statistics in the decline of receipt of sexual health education, including the statistic that 70%-60% of female adolescents did not receive adequate information about birth control. The paper goes on to conclude that part of this decline may be due to a lack of parent-youth communication, especially in nonmetropolitan areas. This article also includes data tables of results and additional references cited that can be read for further information. Access the article here.

Education Leaders Report “How States Can Advance Deeper Learning for All”

Published by the National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) this report broadly discusses education and how teachers, staff, and parents can improve deeper learning skills for all students in K-12th grade. Some of the deeper learning skills examined in this report includes problem solving, resilience and self-reflection. The paper defines deeper learning as “learning skills that are key to a student’s college career and civic success.” In addition to the ways in which educators can focus on student acquisition of these skills, the authors also discuss some of the barriers that students face in learning these deeper level skills. The article sites the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and guides readers through the Act’s implications for ways in which educational barriers can be mitigated. Furthermore the paper also gives tips for engaging with parents in order for students to gain these skills at home, and concludes by recommending educator training in order to support teaching these deeper learning skills. Read the publication here.


Online Workshops

Get on Track Using Getting to Outcomes Free E-learning Module

Healthy Teen Network (HTN) has provided their module from the Getting to Outcomes (GTO) series, free of use on their website. This short module uses evidence-based approaches to evaluating, planning, implementing and sustaining a program. This module will introduce the basics of GTO and provide tips to navigate common challenges in programming. To access the module, click here.

Webcast: Implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for People with HIV
The Kaiser Family Foundation has released a webcast from their panel discussing the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for people living with HIV as it pertains to health insurance, implications for long-term health outcomes and access to quality care. The panelists of the discussion include: John Carlo, CEO of AIDS Arms Dallas; Laura Cheever, Associate Administrator, HIV/AIDS Bureau, the Heath Resources and Services Administration; and Lindsey Dawson, Senior Policy Analysis with the HIV Policy Team at the Kaiser Family Foundation. View the webcast here.

Registration for the American School Health Association Conference

The American School Health Association (ASHA) is holding their annual conference in Baltimore Maryland October 6th-8th 2016. Registration is now open to attend. This conference is intended for educators, school representatives, districts, states, communities, government and other school health professionals. There are four interdisciplinary tracks offered throughout the conference: Administration, Coordination & Leadership, Programs & Services, Research & Emerging Issues, and Teaching & Learning. Find out more about the 2016 ASHA conference and register today.


August is National Immunization Awareness Month

As many sexuality educators know, STD prevention is necessary and vaccinations are one of the ways in which many STDs such as HPV can be prevented. HOPV is a group of more than 150 viruses that can manifest in different forms. Many common types of HPV are transmitted via skin-to-skin contact and through vaginal, anal or oral sex with someone who has the virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed a page on their website containing basic information about HPV, as well as prevention measures and resources for building partner programs in local communities to raise awareness. To learn more about National Immunization Awareness Month and HPV visit the CDC’s website here.

This document was made possible by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Adolescent and School Health (CDC-DASH) under cooperative agreement 1UP87PS004154. The contents do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. divider

To submit an article, announcement, or resource for the School Health Equity Newsletter, please email Lauren Ainsworth at

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