The Condom Availability Programs: A Guide for Districts and Schools (CAP Guide) is designed for use in middle and high schools. It provides the rationale for implementing such a program, the information to get started, and practical step-by-step recommendations for implementing or improving a CAP. The CAP Guide will support district or school administration and staff and/or community partners who want to improve the health of young people by increasing access to sexual health services, specifically condoms.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) supports Condom Availability Programs as a structural intervention which increases the availability, accessibility, and acceptability of condoms and has been proven to increase condom use and decrease incidence of STIs.
Research has shown that CAPs:
- Increase condom acquisition and use among sexually active students compared to similar schools without condom availability.viii
- Increase condom use among adolescents if they believe their peers are using condoms.iii
- Are not associated with an increase in sexual activity among young people.ix, x
- Increase odds of sexually active students acquiring condoms.xi
- Improve overall sexual health.xii
The CAP Guide mirrors the CDC’s CAPs: Things to Consider six action steps for districts and schools considering CAPs and adds the necessary detail on how to implement or improve each of these steps.