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I have had 2 abortions, one when I was in my mid twenties, unmarried and living with my boyfriend. We were career minded and wanted to be married before we had our first child. I had no guilt, no remorse.


I was 15, my boyfriend and I had been dating since I was 14 (which is when I lost my virginity). My parents were going through a divorce and I felt I had no one so I felt like HE understood me.


I was 15 when an uncle by marriage took interest in me. He taught me to drive, bought me what ever I wanted, even the alcohol I asked for. Then he introduced me to marijuana.


I wanted to become a mom since I was a teenager, but I knew that I needed to wait until I was financially stable and in a healthy relationship.


Back in the late 50's I was pregnant and got the German measles. My Dr. recommended an abortion. Back then it went to a panel of 5 Drs and they all recommended an abortion.


I had my abortion in 1971, pre Roe v. Wade, in NYC. I had never been outside my Southern state by myself before and I was terrified.

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