
Job Opening: Youth Activist Alliance Lead Organizer

ORGANIZATIONAL DESCRIPTION: Advocates for Youth (Advocates) partners with young people and their adult allies to champion youth rights to bodily autonomy and build power to transform policies, programs and systems to secure sexual health and equity for all youth. 

Advocates for Youth envisions a society in which all young people are valued, respected,and treated with dignity; sexuality is accepted as a healthy part of being human; and youth sexual development is normalized and embraced. In such a world, all youth and young adults are celebrated for who they are and afforded honest, affirming, inclusive sex education; access to confidential, universal sexual health services; and the economic, educational, and social power to exercise their bodily autonomy and make informed decisions regarding their health and well-being.

GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTIONApply below for an opportunity to lead, shape and generate a movement of young people across the country ready to take action and organize for reproductive justice!

Youth Activist Alliance Lead Organizers are responsible for building out Youth Activist Alliances in their own states and running campaigns at the local or state level to win material changes for your community.

Selected youth will join our Youth Activist Network (YAN) and serve as local lead organizers for a youth-led city, county or state alliance. Youth-led alliances will co-create and chart out bold visions in the fight for a world free from oppression. Each alliance will launch their own campaign for change targeting their county and city councils, school boards, and state legislatures, and build a growing base of youth in their community passionate about reproductive justice and young peoples’ liberation. 

Advocates For Youth will provide payment of $15/hour for 10 hours per week to lead organizers, in-depth training, access to digital resources such as Zoom and Action Network etc, and ongoing support and mentorship. Preference will be given to applicants who are already embedded in local grassroots organizing in their region. 

Applicants not selected as lead organizers will still be able to join their state’s alliance as members, take action in campaigns, and receive training/resources from Advocates for Youth.


(see the application for more information specific to each state’s campaign)

  • Maintain relationships within your community, especially those involved in local grassroots organizing
  • Join or create community coalitions as deemed appropriate for your campaign(s)
  • Develop and organize a campaign(s) for change in your community
  • Build relationships with young people interested in social justice to develop a base in your community with folks ready to mobilize and take on organizing leadership roles
  • Plan and host community-building events, workshops/trainings, and regular member meetings
  • Participate in weekly virtual check ins with Advocates for Youth organizing staff.
  • Participate in monthly virtual check ins with Advocates for Youth organizing staff and
    national Youth Activist Alliance Leaders
  • Co-organize national actions around our issue areas
  • Design graphics and manage the state Alliance’s social media including Instagram, Twitter (and potentially TikTok)
  • Co-develop and promote campaign toolkits and youth organizing resources
  • Track metrics of attendance, meetings, events, 1-1s, and recruitment of your campaign and provide this information to Advocates each month


  • Be based in one of the four Alliance states (Alabama, Minnesota, Nevada, Texas) and be between the ages of 14-24
  • Deeply rooted and connected to community and grassroots organizing at the local level
  • Experience having run at least one grassroots campaign (can be community or student led)
  • Ability to commit 10 hours a week
  • Available to attend orientation, facilitation, and strategy trainings throughout the summer (Schedule TBD)
  • Commitment to organizing a campaign for change at the city, county or state-wide level
  • Available to attend and fully participate in the Youth Activist Institute in Washington, D.C. from September 7th – 11th 
    • (Advocates will provide and cover the full cost of travel, lodging, and meals, and provide absence excuse letters for teachers, professors, admin, and supervisors)

LOCATION: Applicants must be based in Alabama, Minnesota, Nevada, or Texas with the ability to telework.

DATES: August 2023-June 2024

COMPENSATION: Alliance Leaders will be paid $15.00 per hour for 10 hours/week. Schedule is flexible.

TO APPLY: Interested applicants should fill out the application at this link – https://bit.ly/yaaleaderapp by Monday, May 29th

Advocates for Youth is an equal Opportunity/ Americans with Disabilities Act employer and strongly encourages people of color and LGBTQ people to apply.