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Advocates for Youth Opposes H.R. 9495

This legislation is clearly a response to pro-Palestine and anti-war student protestors. We recognize and deplore the disingenuous use of charges of antisemitism to advance H.R. 9495. We know the rights of Jewish, Muslim, LGBTQ, and all young people are intertwined. We are committed to an intersectional approach that reaches across identity and issue area silos towards greater solidarity and allyship. 

Statement on the Police Killing of Sonya Massey

Sonya Massey called the police for help, and instead they murdered her. This horrific killing is yet another example why young people have called for the abolition of police - they do not make us safer, and all too often commit violence and harm against Black youth.

Advocates for Youth, Hope in a Box Announce Collaboration

Today, Advocates for Youth announced it has partnered with Hope in a Box to own and operate the LGBTQ+-inclusive curriculum-to-classroom program. As book bans and curriculum restrictions increasingly target LGBTQ+-affirming content in schools, the collaboration between Advocates for Youth and Hope in a Box will ensure educators and librarians across the country have access to inclusive curriculum guides and toolkits. 

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