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110 Organizations Issue Letter Opposing Anti-Transgender State Legislation

"Transgender young people have the right to lead healthy lives. They have the right to supportive and safe environments, and to full participation in activities, including sports.  The fact is we are all privileged to know the young trans and non binary people in our lives. It is our responsibility  to do everything we can to make our world safer and more welcoming for gender expansive youth," said Debra Hauser, President, Advocates for Youth.

Mourning Daunte Wright and Calling for Change

We need to listen to protestors rather than responding with escalation and further violence. We need to defund, divest, and invest in programs that can actually help our communities, instead of continuing to give money and guns to those forcing young people of color to live in fear. 

Advocates applauds the re-introduction of the EACH Act

Advocates for Youth applauds the reintroduction of the EACH (Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Care) Act, legislation which lifts bans on abortion coverage, led by Representatives Lee (D-CA), Degette (D-CO), Shackowsky (D-IL), and Pressley (D-MA) in the House and Senators Duckworth (D-IL), Murray (D-WA), and Hirono (D-HI) in the Senate. We are proud to support this groundbreaking legislation to ensure that every person, whatever their income, however they are insured, and wherever they live can get affordable abortion care when they need it. 

Statement on Anti-Asian Violence in Atlanta

Over the last year, we have seen an explosion of anti-Asian bigotry - egged on and exacerbated by our former President and other leaders. Meanwhile, the undercurrent of misogyny in our culture has continued unabated. These sickening and dangerous messages put our young people at risk - at deadly risk.

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