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Statement on Anti-Trans Bills in Kentucky and Tennessee

We are outraged and deeply saddened by the anti-trans bills that have passed in the Tennessee Legislature  and in Kentucky’s House of Representatives. Shame on the legislators who passed these bills and on Governor Bill Lee, who signed Tennessee’s into law. We urge Kentucky’s Senate and, ultimately, Governor Andy Beshear to oppose their state’s harmful bill as it progresses through the legislature.

Mourning Tyre Nichols and Calling for Change

We honor the life of Tyre Nichols, a son and father brutally murdered by police. Tyre Nichols joins far, far too many others whose lives have been taken by a system that preys on Black communities. Charges against the officers are not enough - the system itself must be dismantled.

Advocates for Youth Applauds the Re-introduction of the EACH Act

Advocates for Youth applauds today’s reintroduction of the EACH (Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Care) Act, legislation which lifts bans on abortion coverage, led by Representatives Lee (D-CA), Degette (D-CO), Shackowsky (D-IL), and Pressley (D-MA) in the House. We are proud to support this groundbreaking legislation to undo harmful restrictions on federal funding for abortion care and help ensure that all people, no matter their income, how they are insured, and where they live, have access to the healthcare they need. 

Statement on Loss of Key Title X Provisions

Advocates for Youth strongly condemns Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk’s ruling striking down the confidentiality provisions for minors seeking birth control at Title X clinics in Texas. This ruling is misguided and another attack on reproductive health and rights in this country from an anti-reproductive-health movement emboldened by the Dobbs decision.  

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