He went away for Three months. Came Back after I had the Abortion. Asked if I wanted to try again. I stared at him and said no.
He went away for Three months. Came Back after I had the Abortion. Asked if I wanted to try again. I stared at him and said no.
To be honest, I don't know how I feel about my choice to have an abortion. Haven't quite figured it out - but it was 'my choice' and I will fight for others to have the same.
It is possible that I’ve repressed feelings all these years. I’m still glad I had choices back then. Now, I have “Dr.” in front of my name and was able to provide a good home for my daughter.
I'm happy that I had no complications and that I had the resources to buy the medication and pay for my visit to my OB/GYN. However, it saddens me that I had to risk my wellbeing and that I had to do this alone at home because it was the only choice I really had.
Whoever you are and whatever the reason, no one can make this decision for you! Stand strong and know that you have many on your side!