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Mary Beth Szydlowski is the Associate Director, Healthy & Supportive Schools at Advocates for Youth.  Working collaboratively, she provides technical and capacity building assistance to state education agencies and school districts. Mary Beth is passionate about fostering partnerships, increasing knowledge and skills, and implementing programming and policy that will assist school staff and clinicians to increase access to sexual health services and education making it part of the everyday norm of schools to meet the needs of young people.

She also coordinates the All Student Count Coalition, a network of national and state organizations, whose focus is to advocate for the inclusion of questions measuring aspects of young people’s sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression (SOGIE) on the Youth Risk Behavior Survey(YRBS).

Mary Beth holds a Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education from the University of Iowa, a Masters of Public in Community Health Practice from DePaul University and is a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES).

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