
I was 18 years old the first time I found out I was pregnant. I was newly in college and in a relationship with an emotionally abusive guy.

I knew as soon as I found out I was pregnant that I wanted an abortion. I felt very strong in my decision. Having a kid at that age would have meant dropping out of college,financial hardship and a connection to an abusive guy forever.my boyfriend was not supportive but that was okay. My sister drove me to the clinic and took care of me, something I am very grateful for. I remember upon leaving the clinic, seeing protesters are on the sidewalk and feeling intense rage like I wanted to go run and fight them. But my sister wrangled me into the car, got me home and in bed. To this day having an abortion was one of the best decisions I ever made in my life. I waited to have a child until I was 34 years old, when I was ready financially and emotionally and in a great relationship. No one should be ashamed of having an abortion.