
My birth control failed after taking two rounds of antibiotics. My boyfriend and I were on the verge of breaking up and were in a horrible relationship where neither of us felt respected or fulfilled.

We were barely getting by financially which I think further compacted our issues that would have made it impossible for us to stay together. We knew that the baby would grow up with separated parents, we both came from divorced families, and getting by would be a day to day struggle. I had the abortion at 10 weeks at a Planned Parenthood clinic. I immediately broke our lease, moved in with family, and started over. I applied for law school and started 6 months later. It was a tough decision to make and I have never felt more alone than I did at that time, but I am so thankful for the resources that I had available to make such a stressful point in my life become a turning point. I am lucky to live in California and have access to these resources, and I know some girls and women are not so lucky. I am forever grateful for the compassion I felt and will continue to support women’s organizations for the rest of my life.