
My story can be quite typical, I was 18 and a half and had just discovered the world of sexuality. I had been in a long term relationship, with whom I thought was the love of my life. Three weeks after not getting my monthly cycle I took a test and found out that our birth control failed and I was expecting. At such an important age, I was confused all while being afraid. I didn’t have financial security and had been focused on having a running career. My partner at the time, who said I had the option to choose ended up leaving me all alone, clearly how could I rely on someone who is already running away. After all that how could I face my family and tell them I would be bringing a child alone into this world. I can’t imagine having brought someone into this world to struggle and add to the stereotypes of being Latina. When birth control fails we should have the option to choose because evidently we are already choosing to be cautious. People who haven’t ever been forced to make this decision don’t know how deep it hurts, and it will probably be the hardest one you’ll ever make. It’s a decision that carries many doubts and guilt but one that can change you and the life of someone else forever.