
I’d always known I was not Mother material. I would be the woman you see yelling at her child. The one that you wonder why she ever had a kid.

I was 27 when my Father was diagnosed with brain cancer. The 6 months before he died was an emotional time. Which could account for my becoming pregnant while taking bifth control pills.

There was never a question about an having an abortion. My husband never blinked an eye when I told him. Which was great as he was an abusive alcoholic. Not only did I not want children, I could not imagine bringing a child into that situation.

So I made my appointment, had an abortion. And made an appointment that same day to have a tubal ligation. You see, I hadnt had one earlier as no gynecologist would perform the surgery while I was single. And I needed to have my husband give the GYN his approval for me to have it. Like I was an imbecile, unable to make my own decisions about my healthcare.