It was 1973 I was 21 and had a was seeing someone who after a nice dinner out had sex with for the first and last time. It was only my 2nd sexual experience so to even think I was pregant was not even a possiblity, so I thought.
My older sister wasn’t not felling well and had made an appointment with the OBGYN and took me with her because I had mentioned I hadn’t gotten my period in a month or two. As it turned out we were both with child only she was married and I was not. When the doctor told me the news I went into shock. He asked me if I wanted the baby and without blinking an eye I knew this wasn’t the right time. I was very lucky he kept my secret and gave me the phone # of an abortion clinic in New York City. The next day I called and made an appointment. That Sat. my good friend took me to the city and waited for me. In those days it was more painful than I can ever explain but I know still to this day it was the right thing to do. Since then I have had 2 more abortions one in my late 20’s when I was still single and one in my forties after giving birth to 3 amazing kids. I was advised that it would be to dangerous to have that child. I consider myself very lucky as I have always had a great support system around me and because of that I have been able to help with my kids’ friends who have had to make those very same hard decisions. I Thank God every day I was able to make the right choices for me and I fear that someday a young woman may be in the same position I was in and her choices will be made for her.