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Virtual Professional Development

Health Care Setting

Health care organizations can supplement in-person trainings with online, on-demand practice in the virtual clinic simulator designed to help healthcare professionals rehearse and refine a variety of skills needed to effectively provide sexual health care to teens. Within the virtual healthcare setting, Advocates offers six different skills for professionals to practice.

1) Using Inclusive Language When Talking About Sexual Behaviors*

In this scenario, the participant will be practicing a brief portion of a patient interaction with a 17-year-old focusing on why the patient is seeking an STD test.

2) Taking an Effective Sexual Health History with an Unengaged Teen Patient

In this scenario, the participant is seeing a returning 17-year-old patient named Dani, who you hope to put at ease about privacy issues so you can engage her more.

3) Taking an Effective Sexual Health History with an Engaged Teen Patient*

In this scenario, the participant will be practicing a brief portion of the entire clinical visit with an adolescent patient about taking an STD test.

4) Using Inclusive Language when Talking about Birth Control and Confidentiality*

In this scenario, the participant will be practicing a portion of a patient interaction with a young person focusing on inclusive conversations about birth control and confidentiality.

Using Inclusive Language when Talking about Birth Control*

In this scenario, the participant will be practicing inclusive conversations during a brief portion of a clinical visit with a young trans patient about accessing birth control.

Using Inclusive Language when Talking about STIs*

In this scenario, the participant will be practicing a brief portion of a patient interaction with a young non-binary person focusing on STI transmission and testing.

**The five scenarios with an asterisk are designed to be used as an extension of the IN·clued program. IN·clued is an LGBTQ-centered and evidence-based program that addresses the sexual health disparities affecting LGBTQ+ youth across the United States, with workshops for LGBTQ+ youth and health center staff. Those planning to implement IN·clued are highly encouraged to attend an IN·clued Training of Facilitators (TOF), which you can learn more about and sign up for here.

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